Alex joined the Social Innovation Forum (SIF) as a Social Innovator Accelerator Summer Program Intern through the Yale Alumni Community Service Fellowship sponsored by the Yale Club of Boston in June 2016. Working closely with SIF’s Lead Consultant, Alex’s work is focused on the 2017 Social Innovator Accelerator application and evaluation processes.
Alex was born and raised in New Rochelle, New York. She is a senior at Yale University studying Political Science with a focus on urban development and public policy. Last summer, she interned at Promontory Financial Group where she focused on addressing issues of risk management and regulatory matters for large financial institutions. She also serves as the National Youth Advisor for The Steve Fund, a nonprofit organization that aims to promote awareness and scholarship around mental health and young people of color. She enjoys traveling and has studied abroad at both Beijing Normal University and King’s College London. She is very much looking forward to combining her personal and professional experiences, as well as her passion for sustainable change and nonprofit management, to the SIF team.