
Katie Barnett

Associate Director

BA History, Yale University; MBA, Yale University

Katie Barnett is the Associate Director of the Social Innovation Forum (SIF), providing leadership and oversight of Social Innovation Forum programs, including growth strategies and new program development. Katie, along with SIF’s Executive Director Susan Musinsky, led the Social Innovation Forum through their spin-off from Root Cause during 2015, and she continues to lead SIF’s administration and operations.

Katie began working as a consultant with Root Cause and the Social Innovation Forum in 2006, and she became the SIF Lead Consultant in 2008. Over the years, she has worked on a range of social issues, including early childhood education, workforce development, social enterprise, and the arts. She continues to be inspired every day by SIF’s Social Innovators and Impact Entrepreneurs, and she is grateful for the opportunity to support them through her work. 

Katie brings experience from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. She worked in development at the Harvard School of Public Health, special projects at the Corporation for National and Community Service, and was a consultant at Bridgespan and McKinsey & Co.