This is the conclusion of our series of stories capturing reflections from the SIF team and the 2020 Innovators to mark their graduation from the Social Innovator Accelerator. Read the first in the series here.

We hope you all have had an opportunity to read the 2020 Social Innovator Progress reports and connect with our amazing cohort of Social Innovators! As a new email campaign series, we focused on highlighting the Innovators pivotal moments that allowed them to deliver timely and essential services during the pandemic.
More than ever, our Innovators found new ways to adapt and serve their communities. When we think of the progress of our Innovators, we think of the following:
- OrigiNation Cultural Arts Center: The importance of executing coaching and peer-to-peer learning
- Adaptive Sports New England: The need for in-person connection and innovative programming
- Elevated Thought: Strengthening capacity by growing and nurturing relationships
- Waterfront Historic Area League: Building community through affordable housing
- 1647: Engaging family as partners who could keep children engaged in learning at home
- Boston Higher Education Resource Center: Supporting students to persist through college
- Vital Village Networks: Community residents participating as designers of community solutions
- Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative: Innovating programs to support those most at risk for fatal overdoses
We are so pleased to welcome our 2020 Social Innovators to SIF’s alumni program that offers a great space for our Innovators to reflect, build trust, strengthen connections, and continue shaping their communities to move through challenging times.
We are so grateful to count on you as supporters in this pivotal work and hope you will consider making a gift to help SIF continue to grow our programming to support these 8 organizations as they join the 100+ already participating alumni. We are grateful for your support as we work towards a more inclusive social change community in Greater Boston.
Thank you for your meaningful support and partnership,
Tanya, Jenna, Sarah and Ege
SIF’s Program Team
SIF has made a commitment to support funders in allocating resources more equitably. Doing so includes acknowledging inequities in the structures of philanthropy, which result in only 10% of foundation grants going to communities of color and unrestricted assets of organizations led by leaders of color being 76% smaller than those led by whites. Throughout this series, you will see opportunities to direct resources towards closing that gap by supporting grassroots organizations and organizations led by people of color. We invite you to consider the following commitments: