An Insider's Perspective on SIF

Reflections from an SIF Co-op Student

I joined Social Innovation Forum (SIF) as a Northeastern Co-op the first week of January, 2016. At that point, I was still defining my New Year’s resolutions and decompressing after a winter break full of travel. I decided that in 2016 I wanted to read a book every two weeks, exercise every other day, and allow myself to take more risks. I didn’t know what 2016 would hold for me, only that I was ready to give it my all. Little did I realize how many lessons, experiences, and growth opportunities lay ahead of me in the form of my upcoming co-op position at the Social Innovation Forum.

Northeastern University’s co-op program is known for connecting students with high-level professional development positions around the world. These positions, in which students work full-time for an entire semester, allow students to explore their interests, identify potential career options, and empower them to make informed decisions about their post-graduation paths. My co-op at the Social Innovation Forum is my second six-month position, so I was excited to jump back into my professional development and experience a new side of the social sector in Boston.

SIF has taken the idea of a co-op to another level. Since week one, I was included in intensive event planning, program logistics, content creation, marketing material design, organizational development conversations, and much, much more. At the Social Innovation Forum, the interns and co-ops are not left with trivial projects or endless coffee runs. Instead, they are integrated into the team holistically, and, in turn, the team is able to support them as though they are full-time, hired staff.

Not only does the SIF team empower its Innovators, Entrepreneurs, and supporters, it also empowers its co-ops and interns professionally.

Throughout my college experience, I have been very involved in my extra-curricular activities, but none more so than Strong Women, Strong Girls (SWSG). SWSG is a mentoring organization that supports positive mentoring relationships between college women and pre-adolescent girls in underserved local communities to help raise ambition and combat the dangers of low self-esteem. This organization has allowed me to engage more deeply and create lasting impact in both my Northeastern University and Boston communities. Before my time here at SIF, I did not know that Strong Women, Strong Girls was a former SIF Innovator. This opened my eyes to how deeply ingrained Social Innovation Forum is in the greater Boston ecosystem.

SIF prides itself on its marketplace, interconnectedness, and the breadth of its impact throughout the Boston community. In only six short months, I was able to attend over a dozen events hosted by SIF all around Boston that brought together a myriad of people wanting to make a difference. These events constantly inspired me and proved that the Boston social sector is special.
The past six months have showed me that working for a cause and being able to trust your team are integral aspects of a successful professional career for me going forward. The Social Innovation Forum opened my eyes to the beautifully diverse social justice ecosystem that exists and thrives in Boston. Every day, I was able to glean new insights into the incredible work that thousands of inspired people are doing everyday to make our community better. 

Thank you, Social Innovation Forum staff, for allowing me to experience and participate fully in the incredible impact you have every day in our community.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead


Jackie Rothmeier was the Social Innovation Forum's Program Co-op from January to June of 2016. In this role, she worked closely with the Manager of Strategic Partnerships and the Senior Manager of Development and Communications to support Social Innovation Forum's programming, communications, and events.