A friend and colleague who had been involved with the Social Innovation Forum (SIF) introduced Michael Carmen to SIF in 2010. Michael’s 25-year career in the financial industry and his young family had kept him very busy, but he was eager to find a way to use his professional skill set to actively give back to his community. Upon meeting Michael, the SIF team knew that they could help him find a meaningful engagement that would apply Michael’s business skills to increase social impact.
Michael joined the SIF community as a presentation advisor for 2011 Social Innovator Smart from the Start. Michael worked closely with Smart from the Start’s visionary leader, Cherie Craft, and helped her develop her pitch and messaging for SIF’s Social Innovator Showcase. Thanks to Michael’s support, Cherie delivered a strong and powerful pitch to more than 300 people at the May 2011 event.
Smart from the Start staff & families with Michael Carmen at the unveiling of the Michael T. Carmen Center for Child and Family Development
Although the presentation advisor role formally ends after the Showcase, Michael’s appreciation for the organization’s work compelled him to join the Smart from the Start Board of Directors. In this role, Michael has supported the organization in shaping its growth trajectory and in making that growth a reality. Michael continues to sit on the board of Smart from the Start and is an active, hands-on volunteer, along with his wife Pam and their children. In appreciation for his contribution to their success, Cherie and the Smart from the Start families gathered on April 17, 2014 to unveil the newly named Michael T. Carmen Center for Child and Family Development at the Thomas Johnson Community Center.
Michael has remained an active member of the SIF community where he continues to support SIF as an investor and a track sponsor with the Boston Open Impact group. Michael often recruits others to join the SIF community, and he appreciates the opportunity SIF provides for him to meet more high-potential organizations that are ready for growth.