The Art of Effective Supervision


Employee supervision is crucial for nonprofit organizations. In addition to ensuring that employees can understand and execute your organization's mission, values, and goals, a well-structured supervision practice can support employees in feeling valued and integrated, and can contribute to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. Acting as mentors and guides, a supervisor and their practices for setting clear expectations, offering ongoing feedback, and helping new hires navigate organizational culture can deeply impact employee performance, confidence, sense of belonging, and long-term engagement.

Join this session to explore best practices for effective and inclusive supervisory approaches in the workplace. Through interactive dialogue, group activity, and shared reflections, dive deep into top strategies for amplifying employee success and gain new resources for establishing role clarity, building rapport, cultivating inclusive culture, and promoting meaningful accountability throughout an employee's tenure.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to define and communicate clear expectations for employees, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities within your organization

  • Acquire skills to promote bi-directional feedback and greater employee accountability to organizational goals

  • Explore strategies for building strong relationships and fostering inclusivity in your supervisory relationship

  • Apply concepts in practical scenarios to enhance your ability to lead an effective and inclusive supervisory process

Lead Facilitator: Claytoya Tugwell 

Co-Facilitator: Kaden Mohamed

This workshop is open to the Alumni and Nonprofit Network. If you would like more information, please contact Zane Diamond at