Funders: How to Support Nonprofits During Uncertain Times

In times that feel both unpredictable and challenging, it’s not uncommon to feel isolated in our efforts to serve our communities. Yet, as funders, you resource social change in Eastern Massachusetts—and SIF is here to support you.

How Funders Can Stand with the Nonprofit Community

After speaking with dedicated nonprofit leaders in our community, we have compiled actionable recommendations for funders to offer meaningful support during these turbulent times. Here are some essential strategies to consider:

  • Provide general operating support. This may sound straightforward–and this may be your fifth time hearing this recommendation–but have you acted yet? Have you pushed forward on making an unrestricted gift? Because nonprofits are certainly pushing forward on serving their community members who are being acutely impacted during this time.
  • Be flexible with previously enacted structures. Do you contribute restricted funds to a specific program that might have more urgent needs for that funding? Do you have a long grant report due soon that could be a phone call or shorter form instead? Now is a time for nimbleness and being responsive to urgent needs.
  • Hold firm on your ideological ground. Now is not the time to scale back your DEIB or DEIA programs, policies, and values. Nonprofit leaders are counting you to reinforce your commitments to their work to serve marginalized communities who are under increased attack.
  • Fund community-led nonprofits who know the needs of their community best. Government services are being cut, so community members need targeted support that community-led nonprofits know best how to distribute.
  • Practice empathy–don’t ask nonprofit leaders to recount painful experiences. Nonprofit leaders are glad that you care how they’re being impacted, but having to tell the story of loss and uncertainty again and again and AGAIN is taking its toll. The challenging political climate affects leaders not just on the professional level, but on the personal level as well. You can research to learn how nonprofits are being impacted (such as the links for funders in the following section) or ask other funders what they’ve heard from their grantees.
  • Offer a specific menu of supports to your grantees. Approaching nonprofit leaders and asking them “how can I help” is actually a question you should ask yourself first. How can you help? List the ways out and approach the organizations you support with tangible offers that you will promptly follow through on. Some examples may include: making introductions to other funders to increase resources, contributing support to a staff wellbeing initiative, or removing reporting requirements on a recurring grant. 

Resources for the SIF Funder Community

Many of our peer organizations have already compiled lists of resources for this changing political context. We wish to uplift some of them here in case any might be new to you. We’ll continue to update this list as new resources become available. 

  • The Center for Effective Philanthropy released a research snapshot, Challenging Times: How U.S. Nonprofit Leaders Are Experiencing the Political Context. If you’re looking to better understand how the federal administration change is affecting nonprofit organizations, you can review this brief report to learn more about impacts on nonprofits, communication that would be helpful, and concerns about funder priorities.
  • GEO also provides recommendations for funders in Supporting Our Communities: Key Strategies for Navigating Federal Funding Threats. They share many tangible actions funders can take, including advice to “support capacity building as nonprofits navigate a shifting landscape.” If you’re looking to act on that recommendation immediately, you can always contribute to support SIF’s mission. We, like other nonprofits both smaller and larger than us, are also seeking reassurance in your commitment to our work.  

We at SIF are committed to connecting funders and nonprofits to create positive social change. Now isn’t the time to be hopeless; now is the time to build together. If you’d like to explore ways to support the nonprofit community during these uncertain times, please contact Carina Traub, the SIF Funder Learning Manager.