
  • Learning to Unlearn Dialogue 1

    In this blog post, Aditi summarizes what was learned at our recent event, "Learning to Unlearn: A Funder Education Dialogue Series".

  • Weekly Updates on the progress of the 2020 Cohort

    SIF is introducing the 2020 Social Innovator Progress reports! Stay tuned over the next few weeks as we highlight some themes that emerged!

  • Immigrants & Refugees
    SIF Hosts Advance Screening of America’s Family, Talkback with Filmmaker

    On November 19th, SIF hosted an advanced screening of “America’s Family,” a film starring, written, and directed by filmmaker Anike Tourse.

  • Community Organizations Reimagining Ecosystems (CORE)

    SIF is delighted to announce the Community Organizations Reimagining Ecosystems cohort, a group initiative on place‐based social change work

  • SIF and its partners creating change in Greater Boston's social sector

    Our 2021 "Forward Together" Annual Report is here! Learn about how we are moving together, embracing change, and centering inclusivity. 

  • Learn more about our 2022 Social Innovator Cohort

    Announcement of SIF's 2022 Social Innovator Cohort

  • Meet 26 local nonprofits working for positive social change

    SIF is pleased to announce the finalists for the 2022 Accelerator cohort, representing some of the nonprofit sector's most promising leaders

  • $175,000 grant from Fidelity Charitable Trustees will support convening of a National Cohort Focused on Place-Based Social Change

    SIF received a $175k grant from the Fidelity Charitable Trustees’ Initiative to convene a national group of local intermediary organizations

  • A reflection on planning SIF's first-ever national learning cohort

    Maggie Cohen joined the team this summer as Special Project Summer Fellow. In this post, Maggie shares her takeaways from her time at SIF! 

  • Team Reflection on SIF's Core Values

    Read more about how the SIF team reflected on how the meaning of core values in our work and how you can apply these values in your work!